The Importance of Splitting Datasets into Training, Validation, and Test Sets

Kardel Rüveyda ÇETİN
10 min readAug 19, 2024


In machine learning, one of the most critical factors affecting a model’s success is the dataset on which the model is trained. Proper management of datasets plays a crucial role in optimizing the model’s performance, measuring its generalization ability, and preventing undesirable situations like overfitting. In this context, splitting datasets into training, validation, and test sets is a common practice. Each dataset is used to evaluate and improve different aspects of the model at various stages of the machine learning process.

Splitting datasets in this manner aims to ensure that the model not only focuses on learning from a specific data set but also performs well when faced with new and unseen data. This is a critical strategy for ensuring that the model provides more general and consistent results. The training set guides the model’s learning process, while the validation set helps in examining and tuning the model’s hyperparameters. Finally, the test set is used to measure the model’s overall performance and its success on real-world data.

In this article, we will explore in more detail the role of each dataset in machine learning, why they are split in this manner, and the impact of this separation on model performance. Proper management of datasets is key to the success of machine learning models in real-world applications, and therefore, every step of this process must be carefully planned.

  • Training Set
  • Validation Set
  • Test Set
  • Data Splitting Ratio

1. Training Set

1.1 What Is It and What Is It Used For?

The training set consists of data that forms the foundation for machine learning models. This dataset is used during the “learning” process of the model and provides the fundamental data needed to optimize the model’s parameters. The training set allows the model to understand the patterns and relationships necessary for a specific task or problem. For example, if you are developing an image classification model, the training set enables the model to learn which categories images belong to based on the pixels. The model learns the essential information and rules required for tasks such as classification, regression, and clustering from this data. During the training process, the model aims to make accurate predictions and minimize errors by working with this dataset multiple times.

1.2 Why Is It Kept Separate?

The training set is used to guide the model’s learning process, so tests conducted on this dataset might not accurately reflect the model’s success. Since the model works continuously with the data in the training set, it can adapt very well to these data, which may pose a risk of overfitting. This means that the model may become so tailored to the training data that it fails to make accurate predictions when confronted with new, unseen data. Therefore, in addition to the training set, a separate validation and test set is required to measure the model’s generalization ability, or how well it can adapt to new data. The training set should only guide the learning process of the model and should not be used to evaluate its final performance. This is a critical step to more accurately measure how the model will perform on real-world data.

2. Validation Set

2.1 What Is It and What Is It Used For?

The validation set is an essential dataset used to evaluate the model’s performance and optimize hyperparameters. Hyperparameters are settings that determine the model’s training process and structure and are usually adjusted manually through trial and error. The validation set is used to test these settings and configure the model to achieve its best performance.

For example, in a neural network model, critical hyperparameters include the number of layers to use, the number of neurons in each layer, and the learning rate. Properly setting these hyperparameters significantly affects the model’s accuracy and generalization ability. The validation set is where these settings are tested, and the model is evaluated and optimized.

Suppose you have developed a neural network model, and it performs quite well on the training set. However, you notice that the model performs poorly on the validation set. This situation indicates that the model is overfitting, meaning it has adapted too closely to the training data and has weakened its generalization ability.

At this point, the validation set signals that hyperparameters need to be readjusted to improve the model’s performance. It may be necessary to decrease the learning rate, reduce the number of layers, or apply regularization techniques. The validation set helps test the effects of these changes, contributing to making the model more balanced and generalizable.

2.2 Why Is It Kept Separate?

The validation set, in addition to the training set, is used to evaluate the model’s overall performance. While the training set guides the model’s learning process, evaluations made on this data do not accurately reflect the model’s performance on real-world data. The validation set tests whether the model’s hyperparameters are suitable for a broader dataset, not just the training data.

Therefore, the validation set plays a critical role in checking the model’s generalization ability. If a model performs well on the validation set, it indicates that the model is not overfitting and can also succeed with new, unseen data. For example, if you are developing a facial recognition system, it is not enough for the model to recognize faces in the training set only. The validation set checks whether the model can correctly identify new faces as well. This is crucial for predicting whether the model will be successful in real-world applications.

3. Test Set

3.1 What Is It and What Is Its Purpose?

he test set is used in the final and most critical evaluation phase of the model. This dataset is not used during the model’s training or validation phases, so the performance of the model on this data reflects how well the model is likely to perform in real-world scenarios. The test set contains data that the model has never seen before, thereby demonstrating how well the model can generalize to new situations.

For example, consider that you are developing an email spam filter. The model learns to distinguish between spam and non-spam emails using the training set. The validation set is then used to optimize the model’s hyperparameters and assess its performance. However, the final performance of the model is measured on the test set. This set contains completely new emails that the model has not encountered. If the model can accurately classify these test emails as spam or non-spam, it indicates that the model has strong generalization capabilities and is likely to perform well in real-world applications.

As another example, suppose a machine learning model is being trained to detect credit card fraud. The training set consists of data where the model learns to differentiate between fraudulent and non-fraudulent transactions. The validation set is used to evaluate the model’s performance and adjust hyperparameters. However, to understand how effective the model is in real-world scenarios, a final evaluation is performed on the test set. The test set contains transactions that the model has never seen before. If the model successfully detects fraud in these transactions as well, it indicates that the model will work effectively with real-world data.

3.2 Why Is It Kept Separate?

The fundamental reason for keeping the test set separate is to evaluate the model’s performance in real-world scenarios. A model that performs well on training and validation sets may have overfitted these sets, meaning it has become too specialized to the data it has seen. In this case, the model might struggle to perform well on new, unseen data. The test set reveals how the model responds to these new data points, showing how well the model can generalize to real-world situations.

Separating the test set is crucial for measuring the model’s generalization ability and its success with real-world data. For instance, consider you are developing an autonomous vehicle. It is important for the vehicle to perform well on training and validation sets, but what matters most is how the vehicle handles unknown road conditions and traffic situations in the real world. The test set simulates these unknown conditions and evaluates the vehicle’s performance in these new scenarios. If the vehicle performs well on the test set, it indicates that the vehicle is likely to operate safely and effectively in real-world environments.

In summary, the test set serves as a final check that reflects the model’s real-world performance. Compared to the training and validation sets, the test set measures the model’s ability to handle previously unseen situations and assesses its generalization capability. Therefore, the test set is kept separate and used only for the final evaluation of the model.

4. Dataset Split Ratios

Splitting datasets into training, validation, and test sets is a critical step in the successful development and evaluation of machine learning models. As a general rule, datasets are typically divided into 70% training, 20% test, and 10% validation sets. However, these ratios can vary depending on the size of the dataset, the complexity of the problem, and the characteristics of the model being used.

4.1 Special Cases

In some datasets, randomly splitting the data may not always be the most appropriate approach. For example, time-series datasets require the data to be organized chronologically. In such cases, it is more logical to split the dataset according to temporal order when building a model based on historical data.

4.2 Time-Series Datasets

In time-series datasets, such as stock prices, weather data, or traffic data, random splitting of the data can prevent the model from accurately predicting future events. For these types of datasets, it is necessary to perform a sequential split to ensure that the model learns from past data and predicts future events effectively.

Example: Consider a model developed for predicting stock prices. You might use historical stock prices as the training set. For the validation set, you could select prices from the recent past and optimize the model’s performance on this data. The test set would then consist of data representing future prices. The model learns from past prices to predict future prices, and its performance on the test set indicates how well it can succeed in real-world scenarios.

4.3 Small Datasets

When dealing with very small datasets, splitting the data may not be the most effective approach. Instead, using cross-validation can be more appropriate. Cross-validation involves dividing the dataset into multiple subsets, creating separate training and test sets for each subset. This method allows for more reliable results in small datasets and provides a better evaluation of the model’s generalization ability.

Example: If you have only 1,000 data points, rather than splitting the data into 70% training, 20% test, and 10% validation sets, you can use cross-validation to repeatedly use different subsets as the test set. This approach allows for the entire dataset to be evaluated and provides a more accurate estimate of the model’s performance.

4.4 Imbalanced Datasets

In imbalanced datasets, some classes may have significantly more data points than others. For example, when developing a disease diagnosis model, there might be far fewer instances of the diseased class compared to the healthy class. In such cases, it is crucial to create balanced subsets that contain sufficient data from each class when splitting the dataset.

When developing a disease diagnosis model, you should ensure that each of the training, validation, and test sets contains a balanced representation of both diseased and healthy individuals. Otherwise, the model may struggle to learn the minority classes accurately, resulting in poor performance for these classes. The splitting process should be carefully designed based on the type of problem and the structure of the data. General splitting ratios may not always be applicable, and thus, developing a splitting strategy that suits the characteristics of the dataset is essential for improving the model’s performance and generalization ability.

Dividing datasets into training, validation, and test sets plays a critical role in objectively assessing the success and generalization capability of a machine learning project. Each dataset serves different purposes at various stages of the model development process. The training set contains the data on which the model performs its core learning and optimizes its parameters. During this process, the model learns patterns and relationships within the data to perform specific tasks. The validation set is used to monitor the model’s performance, adjust hyperparameters, and detect potential overfitting situations. Since hyperparameters affect the model’s overall behavior, the validation set plays a key role in determining the most suitable settings.

The test set is used to evaluate how the model responds to new data it will encounter in the real world. These data, which the model has not seen during the training and validation phases, are ideal for measuring the model’s generalization ability and performance on different data samples. If the model also performs well on the test set, this indicates that the model can successfully generalize not only to the training data but also to real-world data.

Separating datasets in this way is crucial for ensuring that machine learning models are reliable, consistent, and generalizable. Each stage tests and improves a specific aspect of the model, providing a more reliable prediction of how the model will perform in real-world scenarios in the final stage. This process prevents overfitting and ensures a more balanced and generalizable performance. As a result, the division of datasets in this manner emerges as a fundamental requirement for the success of machine learning projects.

That’s all I have to share for today! 😊

Looking forward to discussing in different writings!

Best wishes



Kardel Rüveyda ÇETİN

Expert Software Engineer @DogusTeknoloji | Microsoft MVP | Mathematical Engineer | Speaker | Blogger | Founder&Organizer @thecoderverse